Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Location: - Lander WY Miles = 77, Ave MPH = 14.9 Cum. Miles = 1639

Monday August 11

Qoute of the day: "Cold muscles are old muscles".

This is the inside of the chapel at St.Thomas Episcopal church in Dubois - 8 pews deep - this photo actually makes it look bigger than it is:

We are riding to Lander WY today which is a relatively unchallenging ride. Here are some of the photos along the way:

We stopped at the one store in Crowfoot and met John MacMoyle from Fayetteville NC currently and on his cross country adventure as well with Harley and sidecar:

Not a very well exposed photo but this was a local man with the most well developed chops I had ever seen:

View about 10 miles outside of Lander:

Interesting moose I found in a shop. No I'm not loading it on the bike (or shipping it home at $700.)

I was riding ahead of Sly and Nate and saw some folks sitting out in front of this church so I stopped to ask if they knew of any places in town that might offer a roof over our heads for the night so we didn't need to pitch our tents. They made a phone call and offered us the use of the church which miracle of miracles had a SHOWER!!!

Many thanks again to the folks of the Evangelical Free Church.

One last thing. As I ride through the day the temperatures change a great deal due to time of day and altitude. For me it is important to keep my legs from getting too cold. This is my Lederhosen arrangement that I thought you would find amusing. This photo was actually taken back in Yellowstone:

Today we will be riding through some very remote areas to get to Jeffery City (pop ?). Jeffery City is pretty much a ghost town as it was started in 1971 with a big uranium strike with a pop of 6000 at one time but dissipated after the 3 Mile Island event. Not sure what we will find there so carrying extra water and rations.

Nate and Sly have to wait for a reporter to call them for an interview for their work raising awareness about human trafficking so I may go on ahead to see what is happening in Jeffery City. Looks like a tent night for sure and probably not too many photos along the way. One steep climb and head  winds seem to be a sure thing.

It's time folks please.......
And finally please remember the cause -   soldiersbestfriend.org  I will go into this in more detail and perhaps some level of haranguing later on, but for now here is the link .... and an additional link for donation   SoldiersBestFriend - Donate Please :):)   Oh and I would be a lot more comfortable if you use the "honorarium" option vs the "memoriam" option - you'll understand when you click on the link:):).   

As you donate please enter my name in the "In Honor of Spot" so the folks at SBF can tally the results to encourage me and let me know WE are getting something done TOGETHER. I recognize we are really trying to honor the Vets but this is the only way SBF can tally the results of this drive (tour).

  I will be inserting this call-to-action in all of my blogs so I hope you don't mind.

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